Friday, June 24, 2011

Comfort Books

I hate surprises. Last minute changes of plan, unwanted people suddenly showing up on my doorstep for the weekend, a much wanted birthday present held in the vacillating "Oh it's still in my Amazon cart"/ "it's mine! I can't believe it!" dance. I like to plan and prepare and dream and think through all the possibilities before taking action.  I admit to being a worrier which is probably the prognosis for why I am not the world's greatest living example of living by the seat of my pants. Today something that I was hopelessly wishing would never happen was announced to me and the dread, the panic and the turbulent chaos has crash landed into what was looking to be a good weekend.

 So the necessary steps had to take place.

1. Need ice cream. Whatever kind. Just give me a spoon and the carton. Thank you.

2. Shopping. No not shoe shopping. Echk. Barnes and Noble. Borders. This used book store I JUST discovered and love. It's all good. Give me an hour inside any one of them and you can probably almost convince me to do anything. Tonight I bought these three books which have been on my list for a while:

I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusak - I love, LOVE this book. It makes me cry and laugh and go through the entire gamete of emotions and I just want to kiss Ed Kennedy through-out it. I love the girl who runs barefoot. It's a beautiful, beautiful book and one long missing from my bookshelves.

Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins-having blog stalked both her and Kiersten White it was finally time to by the darned book and read it after all hype they gave it. I'm a few chapters in and love it. Worth the $16 I paid (with my heart throbbing because I know I could get it cheaper on Amazon but I was in need of consoling, remember!? Retail therapy is not for those thinking clearly). Worth every penny though and I'm anticipating it to keep getting better and better as I go. Stephanie Perkins seems to be the kind of girl you'd want at your slumber party so her book was a given.

And Corsets and Clockwork by a plethera of authors including my afore mentioned fav Kiersten White. I read her story when she posted the link on her blog and LOVED it. (READ IT. Seriously). So when I saw this book and skimmed the other author stories I had to get it. It just felt like I was buying a bookful of friends to take home with me.

I set out tonight to write a blog post about how books are friends and when you're in a crap mood we gravitate towards our comfort books. It was Mary Higgins Clark all through high school and college. Now it's Kiersten and Laini and Stephanie and (boy I would love to be on first names with these amazing women!) and Markus and so many other wonderful writers who make my heart feel good and give me the strength to go out and fight dragons. Even when they spring up on me at the last minute. Thank you wonderful writers for creating worlds we can escape into and emerge back into our own better for it.

What are your comfort books? Facing any dragons of your own lately?

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